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ILwllintjstonf, ro. iirnt.
Preface iii
Notes . iv
Rectors iv
The Register, 1578 — 1812 i— 11
Index 13—16
Privately Printed.
The Registers of Lullingstone are contained in two volumes :—
Vol. I, composed of 13 vellum leaves (of which one is blank), is a modern leather cover inscribed " LULLINGSTONE REGLSTER COMMENCING 1578." The first leaf contains inductions, the next four (one side of one blank) the baptisms, the next quite blank, then three for marriages, the remaining four for burials, and one torn out at end. It is in fair condition and easily read and is an interesting record of the Hart and Dyke families, the other entries being chiefly their connections and dependents, so the whole interest of the Register centres round the Castle. The cover measures 13 by 6 and the leaves roughly ii:| by 5^.
Vol, II is a sheepskin book with metal clasps with " LULLINGSTONE " on red label on front cover and below a sheet of paper with initial " D " gummed on with " 13aptisms one end of the Book, Burials in the centre and i\iarriages the other end." It measures 153- by g^. It is a marriage book printed and sold by J. Coles, Stationer in Fleet St., 1754; the marriages forms are not printed as is usual in these volumes, but the whole tlung is written, and there are 13 marriages. After the lined pages come a number of perfectly blank leaves without lines, on one of which banns are written, one is devoted to burials and three to baptisms.
There are a few loose papers, such as Licence of Marriage of Thomas Kebbel in 1822; two dispensations to John Kemble, Rector, to be absent from the Parish, there being no Parsonage ; and a copy of Burial of Robert Fountaine at Sutton at Hone in 18 18, (Sec.
The Registers were copied in 1906 from a copy made by the Rev. C. H. Fielding and revised and corrected from the originals, 9 Sept., 1908, by T. C. Colyer-Fergusson, Esq., of Ightham Mote, who has very kindly placed the transcript for printing at the disposal of the Parish Register Society, thus saving the Society the cost of transcription.
The Parish Register Society wish to place on record its appreciation of Mr. Colyer-Fergusson's kind act.
4 The Waldrons, Croydon.
The following Notes appear in the Register : —
Among Buryalls : —
" Memora that Richard Harriott M*" of Arts and Chaplen to his Maiesty had the actuall and full possession of & into the parish Church of Lullingston one the 29 day of Aprill Ano Dom 1 63 1 to bee the Rector or parson thereof witnesses p'"sent at his taking of possession are these, William Pernebye, John Carpenter, Thomas Latter the mark of /A William He""enden The mark of William Barr
Memor : that the book of Articles of religion agreed uppon in
the conuocation holden at London An° 1562 were distinctly
read by Richard Harriott Master of Arts and Chaplen to his
Maiesty oneth first day of May Ano 1631 in the time of diuine
service in the morning and willingly and freely assented vnto
by the foresaid Richard Harriott in the Church of Lullingston.
John Carpenter. The marke of John F I Whiteiaker
The marke of William O Hibbin. Edward Terryll.
The marke of William O Barre."
Among burials. "Mem. Edw'^Tilson Rector was inducted Feb. 22,
1671." „ „ " Edw. Tilson Rector was inducted Feb. 10,
Anno Domini 1600.
Liber Registri Parochiae de LuUingstone Rocs infra Comitat Cant. :
Rectors of Lullingstone (in later hands).
Mich^ Anstey 1578 — 1630/1.
Rich*^ Harriot 1631 — 1651.
Edw^ Tilson 1671 — 1726.
Edw^ Tilson 1726 — 1748.
Davies Lambe 1748 — 1772.
Marmaduke Lewis from 1772 to 1806.
John Kemble „ 1806 to Nov'' 18 19.
John Thompson „ Jan^ 3'''' 1820 to June i2*'*^ 1828
resign'd. Thomas Hart Dyke 1828 to June 25*^ 1866.
Robert Browne from Ocf 1866 to March i"* 187 1.
Hugh Hathorn Wood „ March i»* 187 1. Albert Brooke Webb 11 Jan^ 1877 to June 1895. Henry Dalgety M"=Cheane Dec' 1895 to
ilarisft MtOii^ttx o( Hullingstone,
in tije
©ountg of Eent
1578 Aug. 29 Paul Browne the sonne of William Browne was
baptized July 28 [sic] Anne Whitehead daughter to Thomas Whitehead
1579 Apr. 12 William Shepster s. Thomas Shepster Nov. 1 7 John Anstey s. Michaell Anstey
1580 Dec. 18 Emme Whitehead d. Thomas Whitehead
1 58 1 July 26 Francys Anstey d. Michaell Anstey
1582 July 28 James Vaughan s. Henry Vaughanne Nov. 8 Elmar Whitehead d. Thomas Whitehead
1583 Apr. 12 Michaell Anstey s. Michaell Anstey
1584 Dec. 12 Francys Shepster s. Thomas Shepster
Michael Anstey, Rector. Robert x Whytehed, churchwarden
1585 Nov. 18 Samuell Anstey s. Mychaell Anstey
1586 Nov. 5 Francis Hubberd d. George Hubberd 1588 Jan. I Thomas Shepster s. John Shepster
Feb. 10 Joseph Anstey s. Michaell Anstey
1591 Apr. 26 John Carpenter s. Thomas Carpenter
1592 May 27 Beniamin Anstey s. Michaell Anstey Aug. 29 Willia Home s. Annys Home, widow Jan. 16 John Shepster s. John Shepster
1593 Apr. I Nazareth Shepster d. John Shepster
May 1 5 M'" Willia Hart s. M"" Percyvall Hart, esquire
1594 Jan. 13 Francis Hall s. Francys Hall
Michael Anstey, Rector. Robert x Whytehed, churchwarden
1596 Oct. 24 Francys Ro'oyns d. Lyonell Robbinnes
1597 Oct. 30 Robert Whitehead s. John Whitehead
1599 July 22 M*" Percyvall Hart s. M"" Percyvall Harte, esquyre Nov 4 Marye Dullyn d. Robert DuUynne
1 60 1 Oct. 15 Judith Chapman d. Martyn Chapman
1602 Jan. 20 Jhon Hayte s. Wyllyam Hayte
1604 May 24 Wyllyam Pratte s. Thomas Pratte
1605 Apr. 7 Alice Hayt d. Wyllyam Hayt Dec. 8 Joane Wylye d. James Wylye
1606 June 24 Alyce Rownde d. Wyllyam Rownd
1607 Oct. 20 M"* Hierom Hart s. S^' Percyvall Hart, knyght
1608 Sep. 13 Henry Hart s. George Hart
1609 Sep. 3 Elizabeth Averell d. [blank] Averell 1 61 7 Jan. 25 Mary Lasshe d. William Lasshe 1623 Nov. 30 Jhon Smyth s. Jhon Smyth
Dec. 27 Wyllyam Tychbourne s. Rychard Tychbourne
1627 Nov. 2 Alice Hibbin d. Jhon Hibbin
Dec. 24 Ambrose Hart s. Henry Hart. (Grandchild to M"^ Francis Hart) [interlined. — Ed.]
1628 Dec. 26 Charles Hart s. Flenry Hart. (Grandchild to
M"" Francis Hart) [interlined. — Ed.]
1629 Sep. 10 Henry Rogers s. Jeffray Rogers, alien Nov. 29 Margaret Carpenter d. John Carpenter
163 1 Aug. 28 Mary d. John Whitakers
Feb. 14 John s. Richard Harriott, parson
1633 Feb. 2 Michael s. John Whiteakers
1634 June 13 Elizabeth d. Richard Harriott, clerke, & Hanna his wife
Richard Harriott, Parson. John x Whitakers, churchwarden July 4 Edward Hubbert s. Henry Hubbert & Mary his wife
1635 Feb. g Hanna Harriott d. Richard Harriott, clerke, & Hanna
his wife
1636 Aug. 24 Anne Staple d. John Staple & Susanna his wife Dec. 22 Thomas Hubbert s. Henry Hubbert & his wife Mary
[" Elisabeth " erased. — Ed.] 1638 Apr. 5 Richard Harriott s. Richard Harriott, parson, & Hanna his wife July 30 Thomas Hubbert s. Henry Hubbert & Mary his wife Aug. 2 Christopher Staple s. John Staple & Susanne his wife 1640 July 14 John Staple s. John Staple & Susan his wife
Oct. 28 Elizabeth Hart d. George Hart & Rose his wife
1642 July 17 Elizabeth Miller d. Thomas Miller & Mary his wife
1643 Aug. 27 Anne Waller d. Henry W^aller & Ann his wife
Dec. 8 M"" Anne Say d. M"^ Willa Saye & M™ Ellen his wife
1645 Apr- 2 Mary Waller d. Henry Waller & Anne his wife
Oct. I M'- William Saye s. M' William Saye & M"« Ellen his wife
1646 Apr. 3 Susan Kidwell d. Thomas Kid well & his wife
1666 May 7 Percivall s. Percivall Hart, esquire
1692 Nov. I Anne Hart d. Percivall Hart, esquire, by Sarah his
wife Mar. I Anno Hasaell d. W'" Hassael by Anne his wife
1693 Jan. 31 William Hasaell s. William by Anne his wife 169^ Feb. 15 Thomas Hasaell s. William by Anne his wife
1696 June 15 John Hasael s. William by Anne his wife
A note of the children borne to William Cox of Park Gate by Mary his wife —
William Cox was borne Dec. 8*'' 1682 John Cox was borne Feb. 20*'' 1683 Mary Cox was borne Dec. 11*'' 1685 Thomas Cox was borne June 10*'' 1687
1697 Dec. 30 John Hasaell s. John Hasaell by Anne his wife 1 70 1 Mar. 27 James Hasaell s. William by Anne his wife 1703 Oct. 21 Mary Hasaell d. W"' by Anne his wife
18 Elizabeth Hasael d. W'" by Anne his wife 4 Anne Hasael d. A\'illiam Hasael by Sarah his wife
20 William Hasael s. William Hasael by Sarah his wife 9 Sarah Hasael d. William Hasael by Sarah his wife 1 1 [?] James Hassel s. William by Sarah his wife
19 Mary Hassel d. William by Sarah his wife 2 Will"' Williams, a stranger's child
1707 |
May |
1720 I72I |
Aug. Feb. |
1723 1728 |
May Oct. |
I73I 1739 |
Apr. Sep. |
15S2 Oct. 16 John Cope & Frysewyde Whiteheade were niaryed
togyther 1584 Apr. 12 Paul Figge & Anne Browne 1587 June 18 Edward Whitehead & Marget Wryght
1590 Sep. 10 Rychard Gressam & Ursuley Luson
1591 Nov. 7 John Barry & Alyce Colgate
1593 Nov. I Rychard Fletcher & Anne Eves
1594 May 28 Thomas Carpenter & Alyce Reynolds 1596 Sep. 13 Lyonell Robynnes & Anne Lowers
Oct. 1 7 John Whitehed A: Barbara Fryth
Michael Anstey, Rector. Robert x Whythed, churchwarden
1598 Feb. 19 M"^ John Norton & M""" Elizabeth Hart
1599 Oct. 2 1 Geffrey Olyver &, M'^ Francys Hart Nov. 30 Thomas Monke & Joane Baukin
1603 July 10 Thomas Masters ifc Barbara Whitehed
Feb. 3 Thomas Pratt & Anne Robbynnes
1608 May 23 Henry Barley & Marget Manne
161 2 Jan. 17 John Rynge & Elizabeth Pratte
1617 July 26 Edward Bloome &. Elizabeth Beste
1619 Sep. 19 Edward Burre & Alyce Millys
1626 July 10 S"" Henry Hart, Knight of the honorable Order of the Bath, & the Lady Elizabeth Norwydg, widdowe, were mar}'ed together the tenth day of July. (This S"^ Henry was third son to S'^ Percyuall Harte, knight) [in later hand. — Ed.]
1630 Dec. 21 M'^ John Willis &, M*^ Elizabeth Stucley, being the
feast day of S*' Thomas Feb. 21 Thomas Murrey & Margaret Syburne
1 63 1 Aug. 21 George Whififin & Alice Knight Sep. 1 5 Robert Yates & Jane Hedges
1634 July 13 John Wingate & Elizabeth Hutchinson
1635 Jan. 19 M'' Richard Hart & M'^ Elizabeth Willis, widdow
1636 June 30 Henry Euerist & Susanna Brookes
1637 July 9 John Colegate & Joan Buste
1642 Feb. last M"^ William Saye & M^^ Ellen Weldon 1644 Nov. 28 Simon Tunbridge & Alice Kingsland 1647 June 7 Lemard Johnson s. Lenard, of Cam .... in Cambrig- shire, & ]\lary Coomar, d. of Thomas Coomar, late of Horten Kirby, both inhabitants of Orpington, in the County of Kent
Memorandii that Percyvall Hart, esq', & M"^ Sarah
Dixon were married at S*' Andrewe's Church in
Holbourne, London, by me, Nov. 28, 1689.
Edw'^ Tilson, Rector of Lullingstone Isaac Golding & Bridget Baxter Thomas Prior & Susanna Emptage Edward Goldsmith & Katherine Blackwell John Buckham & Elizabeth Hammond Francis Booker tt Eliz: Cooper Amos Adgoe & Anne Coffin Thomas Booker & Anne x\shdown Richard Whiffin & Abigail Crimes William Wellar & Anne Hayes James Smyth & Mary Tompson Francis Evans & Bennet Prior 21 John Moyse & Mary Hayward
M' Tho* Owens of y'' Inner Temple & M'^ Ann Jones
of S* George's, Southwark, by License William Mansfield & Eliz: Ackhurst Thomas Becket & Elizabeth Stanford \V'illiam Smith & Mary Wharton William Saunders of Shoreham, b., & Sarah Carnal
of this parish, s. Banns, by Davies Lambe, Rect.
Wit.: Abra: Adams, Benjamin Waters 1756 Nov. 25 Benjamin Waters of this parish & Mary Kipps of
Seal. Lie, by D. L. Wit.: Eliz. Winder, Cha»
1693 June Feb. |
27 6 |
1694 May 1695 Dec. 1699 Dec. |
10 3 5 |
1702 June |
28 |
1709 July 1715 Sep. Oct. |
21 29 6 |
Jan. |
19 26 |
1 7 16 Jan. |
21 |
1 73 1 Sep. |
I |
1734 [blan 1745 Mar. 1748 Oct. 1755 May |
25 2 I |
1579 Mar. 4 Thomas Yonge was buryed
1580 Apr. 26 Robert Kerke
May 22 S*" Percy vail Hart, knight
15S3 May 6 Joane Whytehed
1584 May 15 Joane Graye
Oct. 5 "William Ellys
Feb. 10 Thomas Whitehed the yonger
1587 July 18 S'' (leorge Hart, knight. (Second sonne to S' Percyvall
Hart) [interlined later. — Ed.]
1588 June 30 M'" Francys Hart
1589 June 23 My ladye Hart, (Elizabeth, wife to Sir George
Harte) [interlined later. — Ed.]
1590 Jan. 12 Olde mother Barry
1592 Sep. I Olde father Barry
1593 Apr. 17 Roger Graye
May 10 William Yates, servant to M'" Clovell June 2 Roger Willington July I Avys Whitehed „ iS Marget Carpenter
1594 Apr. 21 Taplin's wife Aug. I Nazareth Shepster
1595 Oct. II M'"* Anne Hart. (Wife to M' Perciuall Harte,
esquier) [interlined later. — Ed.]
Michael Anstey, Rector. Robert x \Miytehed, churchwarden Sep. 25 Katherine Willington 1597 Apr. 27 John Johnson
Dec. 24 .A.lyce Carpenter 159S Nov. 6 Marget Quayntrey
1599 Sep. 13 M" Elizabeth Norton, wyddowe
1600 Feb. 8 Thomas Clyfton
1601 Jan. 20 Blanch Hart Feb. 24 John Whytehed Mar. 8 Brydget AVhytehed
1602 Apr. 2 Edward Taplyn
1603 Feb. 13 Thomas Hudson
1604 Mar. 6 Joane Moore May 18 Rychard Rownd
1605 July 8 Anne Pratt
Dec. 5 Wyllyam Vprychard
1606 June 15 Joane Wylye
1607 Sep. 4 Wyllyam Pratt
„ 26 Joane Ketley
Michael Anstey, Rector. Jhon x Averell, church- warden
1608 Nov. 22 M"" Hieron Hart (son of S*" Percyuall Harte) [inter-
lined later. — Ed.]
1609 Oct. 5 ;^ychard Ketley
Dec. 29 Ivlychaell Anstey the yonger
1610 Oct. 17 M™ Francys Wyllyams d. M' Francys Wyllyams
161 1 July 24 ^Vyllyam Whystler Dec. 19 Nycholas Granway Jan. 21 Thomas Pratte
1615 Dec. 23 Edward Stable
1 6 16 May 11 Jhoane Reeve July 15 Perryn Smyth Nov. 15 M' Percyvall Hart
161 7 Apr. 8 Edward Tottle j\Iay 14 Francys Reeve
16 1 9 Apr. I Samuell Anstey
„ 21 Rychard Blacke Jan. 2 Alyce Hudson, widdow
1620 Oct. 16 Elizabeth Smyth
1622 Nov. 16 M'" Thomas Blunt
1623 Nov. 8 M"^ Sisley Jenkyn Jan. 29 Thomas Rumney
„ 30 M™ Christyan Anstey
1624 Dec. 5 Anne Tyrrell
,, II Joseph Haslyn
1625 June II Beniamyn Anstey ,
1628 Dec. II Anne Tyrrell d. Edward Tyrrell
„ 31 Charles Hart, an infant of Henry Flart's
1629 Mar. 6 M' Edward Hart s. S'"^ Percyuall Hart
1630 Aug. 8 Jheane Whitacre, infant d. Jhon Whitacre Jan. 15 Michaell Anstey, the Rector of Lullingston
1632 Mar. 26 Johannes filius Ricardi Harriott sepultus est Eynsfordij Oct. 25 Guilelmus Wilder
1633 Apr. II Barbara filia Henrici Hart equitis ordinis Nobilissimi
Balnei May 17 Joannes Rose Jan. 15 Joannes Terrill filius Eduardi Terrill
1634 Nov. 2 Abram Williams
Jan. 26 M' George Hart s. M"" Francis Hart
1636 Jan. 6 Thomas Hubbert s. Henry Hubbert & his wife Mary
1637 Nov. 10 The Lady Mary Hart, wife vnto Sir Percyuall Hart Jan. I S'' Henry Hart, Knight of the Noble Order of the
Bathe ,, 17 William Herneden Feb. 12 John Chipping, alien, of the parish of Blechingly in y^ County of Surry
1638 Aug. 13 Thomas Hubbert s. Henry Hubbert & Mary his wife
1639 July 31 M' George Hart s. S^' Henry Hart, Knt. of the Noble
Order of the Bath [& of y« Lady Elizabeth his wife, added later. — Ed.]
1640 Mar. 21 Susanna Staple, wife of John Staple
1 64 1 June 4 William Barre
1 64 1 Mar. II S' Percyuall Hart, knt.
„ 23 Margarett Barre, widdow
[The bapt. of Susan Kedwell entered here as well as in baptismal portion. — Ed.] 1643 May 5 The Lady Elizabeth Hart, wife of S"" Henry Hart Aug. 5 Elizabeth Miller d. Thomas Miller & Mary his wife
1645 Mar. 4 M"" Thomas Den nam
1646 Apr. 6 John Colegate, almesman
Sep. 3 Leonard Hart s. M'' George Hart it M" Rose his wife 1651 Apr. 18 John Riuers s. Henry Riuers was Beureyed the 18*'' day of Aprill 1651 & leyeth beureyed in Louningstoone Chureh Mem : Rich. Harriott y** Rector dyed April 165 1 1656 Nov. 20 Darcas Gatland 1666 Apr. 19 William s. Percivall Hart, esquire 1668 Dec. II Ezekiel Chanlar was Buried the 11 day of December
in the yeare 1668 of the age 64 1 67 1 Apr. 3 William Hart, esquire
May 5 John Kingsland s. James Kingsland 1675 Nov. 3 John Stepney Feb. 5 John Michell 1679 Dec. 13 Benjamin Burr 1687 Dec. 27 S' Percival Hart, k^ 1695 May 29 Anne Perrot
Aug. 26 Richard Ironson 1697 Aug. 22 Reginold Perrot 1703 Aug. 5 Sarah Gaskin 1 7 14 June 2 Arnold Forester 1 7 16 Aug. 21 George Priest
1720 Nov. 14 M"*'" Sarah Hart, \\\k of Percivall Hart, esq' 1725 Dec. 24 John Bluett, esq. 173s June 27 M""^ Amphillis Harrison 1736 May 20 Robert Crane
June [blank] John Meager Nov. 25 Edw"^ Harrison, esq' „ 29 M'^ Eliz. Say
6 Percyvall Hart, esq' 25 John AVood, gardiner 19 Master Percyvall Dyke 1 1 Hesther Palmer 8 Thomas Hart Dyke, esq., ret. 17 4 Benjamin Hayley, butler 30 M' [?] Green 10 TRo'^ Saunders 25 George Pawley
I M'^ Stevens 25 Sir Thomas Dyke, bar''
I Lady Ann Dyke 1 7 M'^ Say
1738 |
Nov. |
1739 |
July |
1740 |
July |
1744 |
Apr. |
1745 |
Dec. |
1746 Apr. |
1748 |
Oct. |
1749 |
Apr. |
1750 |
Feb. |
1752 |
Nov. |
1756 Aug. |
1763 |
Dec. |
1769 |
Oct. |
760 July 21 Philadelphia Dyke was born & bapti^d in the Parish of S'' James, Westminster
762 Mar. II Anne Dyke born & bap. in the Parish of S*^ James, Westminster
763 Dec. 29 Thomas Dyke born Dec. 29 & bap. in the Parish of S* James, Westminster
765 May 10 John Dyke born May 10 & bap. in the Parish of S*' Georges, Westminster ["James" erased. — Ed,]
767 Feb. 23 Percival Hart Dyke born Jan. 27 & bap. in the Parish of S* Georges, Hanover Square
768 [blank] Harriot Dyke born Jan. 27 & bap. in the Parish of S* George, Hanover Square
773 July 4 John Dixon s. S'' John Dixon Dyke, baronet, &
Dame Philadelphia his wife 775 June 4 George Hart Dyke born May 11 & bap. in
S* George's, Hanover Square 791 Dec. 23 Frances Philadelphia d. Beaumont Hotham, esq., &
Philadelphia his wife
793 Feb. 7 Harriet Philadelphia d. Charles Milner, esq^, & Harriet his wife was receivd into the Congregation of this Church (having been privately Baptiz'd in the Parish of Aylesford). M. Lewis, Rector
794 Aug. 1 7 Beaumont s. Beaumont Hotham, esq'^, & Philadelphia his wife
799 Mar. 15 Mary Anne d. Charles Milner, esq"", & Harriet his wife was privately baptiz'd at Farningham by me, M. Lewis
* July 8 Percival Hart s. Percival Hart Dyke, esq*", & Anne
his wife was baptiz'd at Orpington. Born at Chislehurst June 9
1800 July 27 George Frederick s. late Col' Beaumont Hotham & Philadelphia his wife was privately Bapt^ at Down in this County & was receivd publickly into the Congregation of this Church July 27. M™ private Baptism Nov. 2, 1799. M. Lewis, Rector
1802 Feb. 6 Thomas Hart s. Percival Hart Dyke, esq', & Anne his wife was received into the Congregation in this Church, having been privately Baptiz'd by the Minister of the Parish of Sutton [Kent. — Ed.]. M, Lewis, Rector 1803 Mar. 20 Charles s. James Mitchell & Elizabeth his wife
* Those marked with a * are entered on a separate page headed " Memorandum,"
1803 Apr. 5 John Dixon s. Percival Hart Dyke, esq"", & Anne his
wife was receiv'd into the Congregation in this Church, having been privately Baptiz'd by the Minister of the Parish of Sutton Nov. 21 Joseph s. Joseph Steward & Mary his wife. M. Lewis, Rector
1804 Jan. 14 Francis Harts. Percival Hart Dyke, esq', & Anne his
1805 Mar. 8 George Hart s. Percival Hart Dyke, esq"", & Anne his
wife was receivd into the Congregation in this Church, having been privately Baptiz'd by the Minister of Orpington June I [?] George s. Jose[)h Steward it Mary his wife born May 20. M. Lewis, Rector
1806 Apr. 27 Henry s. John Emmery & Elizabeth his wife
June 5 Peche Hart s. Percival Hart Dyke, esq"", & Anne his wife was received, &c., having been previously baptized by y" Minister of y® Parish of Orpington. R. Fountaine, Vic"" of Sutton at Hone
1807 June 17 Harriet Jenner Dyke d. Percival Hart Dyke, esq"^, &,
Anne his wife was received, &c., previously bapt. by y^ Minister of Orpington. John Kemble, Rector.
1808 May I Charles Emoy, born March 28
Oct. I William Hart Dyke s. Percival Hart Dyke, esq"", it Anne his wife, privately bapt. by the Rev'^ ]\P Foyster, Curate of Orpington, born Feb. 23. rec'^ Oct. I. J. Kemble, Rect.
1809 June 25 Octavius Hart s. Percival Hart & Anne Dyke, esq.,
privately bapt. by the Rev. J. G. Foster, Curate of Orpington, rec*^ June 25 by me, J. Kemble, Rect.
1810 July 29 John s. John Emmery & Elizabeth his wife.
J. Kemble, Rect.
181 1 Feb. 24 Georgiana Frances d. Percival Hart & Anne Dyke
rec"* into this Church. J. Kemble Sep. 22 Augustus Hart s. Percival Hart Dyke & Anne his wife. J. Thompson
1774 Mar. [blank] John Dixon Dyke, esq*", an infant
1778 Aug. 3 John Brown
1 781 Nov. 19 William Price, gardiner
1785 Nov. [blank] James Brand, butler
1793 [sic] Harriet Philadelphia Milner, an infant, buried in linen
1794 Mar. 30 Henry Sharp
1795 Apr. 8 Margaret Bray
1796 Sep. II Charles Joseph Milner, an infant
1797 Mar. [blank] James Foel, from Park Gate
June 6 Isaac Skaits 1802 Apr. 25 Richard Bray, park keeper
June 5 Harriet Sarah Mihier, an infant 1804 Jan. 13 Dame Philadelphia Payne Dyke 1807 Oct. 18 George Hart Dyke, an infant, s. Col. George Dyke
1809 Sep. 28 W" Lett
1810 Sep. 13 Sir John Dixon Dyke, bart., departed this life Thursday
morn five O'clock Sept. 6^\ aged 78 years. Buried Sept. 13*^ 18 10 by me, J.Thompson, Officg. Minister
181 1 Oct. 27 George Frederic s. Col. George Dyke
1756 May 3 John Dixon Dyke, esquire, of this parish, bachelor,
& M'^ Philadelphia Payne Horn, of S* James, in the City of Westminster, spinster. Licence, by Thomas James, Curate for this time. Witnesses : Tho: Dyke, J. Dyke, Ph: Home, Tho. Lambard, Thomas Chiffinch, E. Comyns, M. Comyns, Catherine Payne, Judith Payne, John Landon, P. Dyke, J. Say
1757 Aug. 27 William Lee, esquire, of S*" Georges, Bloomsbury, b.,
& M" Philadelphia Dyke, of this parish, s. Special Lie, by Davies Lambe, Rector. Wit.: J. Dixon Dyke, Tho. Lambard, Thomas Chiffinch, Eliz: Comyns, P. P. Dyke, J. Say, M. Comyns, John Landon, Rob. Wilkin
1765 Sep. 8 Richard Bray, b., & Margret Pearson, s., both of LuUingstone. Banns, by Rob. Wilkin, Curate for this time. Wit.: Thomas Fuller, Sarah Viner, John Powell
1769 Jan. 27 Thomas Rivers, of Eynsford, & Elizabeth Saunders, of LuUingstone. Lie, by Rob. Wilkin, Cur: for this time. Wit. : Tho^ Hassell, Sarah Stevenson
1774 May 29 Richard Waring, of S* Mary Cray, b., & Elizabeth Fuller, of this parish, s. Lie, by M. Lewis, Rector. Wit.: E. Harris, E. Waring, B. Woodhams, Tho" Fuller, jun"", S. or F. [?] Cooper
1782 July II John Oddboy* & Mary Burn,* both of this parish. B., by M. Lewis, Rector. Wit.: James Wright, Ann Wheeler
1786 Feb. 23 John Sanders, of Mortlake in Surrey, b., & Martha Kebble, of this parish, s. Lie, by M. Lewis, R^ Wit.: W"^ Kebbel, Tho« Willmott, Tho^ Kebbel, Eliza Christopher, Mary Kebbel
* Signed Ijy mark. — Ed,
1787 Aug. 25 Robert Hinkley, of Farningham, & Esther (ieal,^ of this parish, s. B., by M. Lewis, Rector. Wit.: WiUiam Taplin, Margaret Perry, P. Dyke, Anne Dyke, Emelia Ashdown, H. Dyke, George 13yke
1790 Apr. 29 Moyce Seagust, of Eynsford, & Lydia Cornwell,* of
this parish, s. P., by M. Lewis, Rector. Wit.: William Ellott, Jane Chapman, Harriet Dyke
1 791 Aug. 2 Charles Milner, esq"", b., ct Miss Harriet Dyke, s.,
both of this parish. Lie, by M. Lewis, Rector. Wit.: J. Dixon Dyke, P. P. Dyke, Anne Dyke, Tho" Dyke, Percival Hart Dyke
iSoi Apr. 28 Alexander Macleod, of Miiiravonside, in the ('ounty of Strling, N.B., b., & Frances Ayliffe Daimahoy, of Gloucester St., Queen's Square, Middlesex, s. Special Lie, by M. Lewis, Rector. Wit.: J. Dixon Dyke, Bridget Lewis, Elizabeth Thornton
1S02 July 17 Lieutenant Colonel Heneage Twysden, of East Peckham, b., & Anne Dyke, of this parish, s. Lie, by M. Lewis, Rector. Wit.: J. Dixon Dyke, P. P. Dyke, P. Hotham, B. Hotham
1S12 June 10 Thomas Kebbel, of Shoreham, b., & Elizabeth Courthop How, of this parish, s. Lie, by Henry Kebbel, Officiating Minister, Wit. : Eliza Greenall, Geo'- How
* Signed by mark. — Eu.
Ackhuist, Elizabeth, 4
Adams, Abraham, 4
Adgoe, Amos, 4 ; Ann, 4
Anstey, Benjamin, i, 6; Christian, 6; John, I ; Joseph, i ; (Rev.) Michael, iv, 1 (8), 3, 5 (2), 6 ; Michael (jun.), 6 ; Samuel, i, 6
Ashdown, Ann, 4 ; Emelia, 1 1
Averell, Elizabeth, 2 ; John, 5 ; — ,2
Barley, Plenry, 3 ; Margaret, 3
Barr (Barre), Margaret, 7 ; William,
iv (2), 6 Barry, Alice, 3 ; (Father), 5 ; John, 3 ;
(Mother), 5 Baukin, Joan, 3 Baxter, Bridget, 4 Becket, Elizabeth, 4 ; Thomas, 4 Beste, Elizabeth, 3 Blacke, Richard, 6 Blackwell, Catherine, 4 Bloome, Edward, 3 ; Elizabeth, 3 Bluett, John, 7 Blunt, Thomas, 6 Booker, Ann, 4 ; Elizabeth, 4 ; Francis,
4 ; Thomas, 4 Brand, James, 9
Bray, Margaret, 9, 10 ; Richard, 10 (2) Brookes, Susanna, 4 Brown (Browne), Ann, 3 ; John, 9 ;
Paul, I ; (Rev. ) Robert, iv : William, i Buckham, Elizabeth, 4 ; John, 4 Burn, Mar)', 10 Burr (Burre), Alice 4 ; Benjamin, 7 ;
Edward, 4 Buste, Joan, 4
Carmal, Sarah, 4
Carpenter, Alice, 3, 5 ; John, iv (2), 1,2; Margaret, 2, 5 ; Thomas, I, 3 Chaffinch, Thomas 10 (2)
Chanlar, Ezekiel, 7
Chapman, Jane, 1 1 ; Judith, 2 ;
Martin, 2 Chipping, John, 6 Christopher, Eliza, 10 Clovell, Mr., 5 Clyfton, Thomas, 5 Coffin, Ann, 4 Colegate (Colgate), Alice, 3 ; Joan, 4 ;
John, 4, 7 Coles, J., iii Colyer, Charles, 4 Colyer-Fergusson, T. C, iii (2) Comyns, Elizabeth, 10; E. , 10; M.,
10(2) Coomar, Mary, 4 ; Thomas, 4 Cooper, Elizabeth, 4; (S. or F.), 10 Cope, Frysewyde, 3 ; John, 3 Cornwell, Lydia, 11 Cox, John, 3 ; Mary, 3 (2) ; Thomas, 3;
William, 3 (2) Crane, Robert, 7 Crimes, Abigail, 4
Dalmahoy. Frances Ayliffe, 1 1
Dennan, Thomas, 7
Dixon, Sarah, 4
DuUyn (DuUynne), Mary, 2 ; Robert, 2
Dyke, Ann, 8 (3), 9 (9), II (4), (Lady) Ann, 7 ; Augustus Hart, 9; Francis Hart, 9 ; George, 1 1 ; (Col.) George, 10 (2); George Frederick, 10 ; George Hart, 8, 9, 10; Georgiana Frances, 9; H., 1 1 ; Harriet, 8, 1 1 (2) ; Harriet Jenncr, 9(2); J., 10 ; John, 8; John Dixon, 8, 9 (2), 10 (2), II (3) ; (Sir) John Dixon, 8, 10 ; Octavius Hart, 9; P., 10, II ; P. P., 10, II (2); Peche Hart, 9 ; Percival, 7 ; Percival Hart, 8 (4). 9 (9). " ; Philadelphia, 8. 10; (Lady) Phila- delphia, 8 ; Philadelphia Payne, 10 (2): Thomas, 8, 10, 11; (Sir) Thomas, 7; (Rev.) Thomas Hart, iv, 7, 8 ; William Hart, 9
Ellott, William, 1 1
Ellys, William, 5
Emmery, Elizabeth, 9 (2) ; John, 9
(3) ; Henry, 9 Emoy, Charles, 9 Emptage, Susanna, 4 Evans, Bennet, 4 ; Francis, 4 Everist, Henry, 4 ; Susanna, 4 Eves, Ann, 3
Fergusson, T. C. Colyer-, see Colyer-
Fergusson. Fielding (Rev.), C. H., iii Figge, Ann, 3 ; Paul, 3 Fletcher, Ann, 3 ; Richard, 3 Foel, James, 10 Forester, Arnold, 7 Foster (Foyster), (Rev.) J. G., 9 (2) Fountaine, R., iii, 9 Frylh, Barbara, 3 Fuller, Elizabeth, 10 ; Thomas, 10 j
Thomas (jun.), 10
Gaskin, Sarah, 7
Gatland, Dorcas, 7
Geal, Esther, 11
Golding, Bridget, 4 ; Isaac, 4
Goldsmith, Catherine, 4 ; Edward, 4
Granway, Nicholas, 6
Graye, Joan, 5 ; Roger, 5
Green, Mr., 7
Greenall, Eliza, 11
Gressam, Richard, 3 ; Ursula, 3
Hall, Francis, I (2)
Hammond, Elizabeth, 4
Harriott, Elizabeth, 2 ; Hannah, 2 (4);
Johannes, 6 ; John, 2 ; Richard, iv (4),
2 (6), 6, 7 Harris, E., 10
Harrison, Amphillis, 7 ; Edward, 7 Hart (Harte), Ambrose, 2 ; Ann, 3,
5 ; Barbara, 6 ; Blanche, 5 ; Charles,
2, 6 ; Edward, 6 ; Elizabeth, 2, 3, 4 ;
(Lady) Elizabeth, 4, 5, 6, 7 ;
Frances, 3 ; Francis, 2 (2), 5, 6 ;
George, 2 (2), 6 (2), 7 ; (Sir) George,
5 (2) ; Henry, 2 (3), 6 (2) ; (Sir)
Henry, 4, 6 (2), 7 ; Hierom, 2, 5 ;
Leonard, 7 ; (Lady) Mary, 6 ;
Percival, i, 2 (2), 3 (3), 4, 5, 6,
7 (3) ; (Sir) Percival, 2, 4, 5 (3), 6 (2), 7 (2) ; Richard, 4 ; Rose, 2, 7 ; Sarah, 3, 4, 7 ; William, i, 7 (2)
Haslyn, Joseph, 6
Hassell (Hasael, Hasaell, Hassael,
Hassel), Ann, 3 (10) ; Elizabeth, 3 ;
James, 3 (2) ; John, 3 (3) ; Mary,
3 (2) ; Sarah, 3 (6) ; Thomas, 3, 10 ;
William, 3 (14) Hayes, Ann, 4 Hayley, Benjamin, 7 Hayte (Hayt), Alice, 2 ; John, 2 ;
William, 2 (2) Hayward, Mary, 4 Hedges, Jane, 4
Herrenden (Herneden), William, iv, 6 Hibbin, Alice, 2 ; John, 2 ; William,
iv Hinkley, Esther, 11 ; Robert, li Home (Horn), Annys, I ; Ph., 10;
Philadelphia Payne, 10 ; William, i Hotham, Benjamin, II ; Beaumont,
8 (3); (Col.) Beaumont, 8; Frances Philadelphia, 8 ; George Frederick, 8; P., n; Philadelphia, 8(3)
How, Elizabeth, Courthop, 11 ;
George, 11 Hubbert (Hubberd), Edward, 2 ;
Francis, I ; George, i ; Henry,
2 (3), 6 (2) ; Mary, 2 (3), 6 (2) ;
Thomas, 2, 6 (2) Hudson, Alice, 6 ; Thomas, 5 Hutchinson, Elizabeth, 4
Ironson, Richard, 7
James, Thomas, 10
Jenkyn, Cisley, 6
Johnson, John, 5 ; Leonard, 4 (2) ;
Mary, 4 Jones, Ann, 4
Kebble (Kebbel), Elizabeth Courthop, II ; Henry, 11 ; Martha, 10; Mary, 10; Thomas, iii, 10, II ; William, 10
Kedwell, Susan, 7
Kemble, (Rev.) John, iii, iv, 9 (4)
Kerke, Robert, 5
Ketley, Joan, 5 ; Richard, 6
Kidwell, Susan, 2 ; Thomas, 2
Kingsland, Alice, 4 ; James, 7 ; John, 7 Kipps, Mary, 4 Knight, Alice, 4
Lam bard, Thomas, 10 (2)
Lamhe, (Rev.) Davies, iv, 4 (2), 10
Landon, John, 10(2)
Lasshe, Mary, 2 ; William, 2
Latter, Thomas, iv
Lee, Philadelphia, lo; William, 10
Lett, William, 10
Lewis, Bridget, ii; (Rev.) M., iv, S (4),
9(2), 10(3), II (5) Lowers, Ann, 3 Luson, Ursula, 3
Macleod, Alexander, II ; Frances Aylifte, 11
Manne, Margaret, 3
Mansfield, Elizaljeth, 4 ; William, 4
Masters, Barbara, 3 ; Thomas, 3
McCheane, (Rev.) IL Dalgety, iv
Meager, John, 7
Miller, Elizabeth, 2, 7 ; Mary, 2, 7 ; Thomas, 2, 7
Millys, Alice, 4
Milner, Charles, 8 (2), II, Charles Joseph, 9; Harriet, 8(2), 11 ; Harriet "Philadelphia, 8, 9 ; Harriet Sarah, 10 ; Marv Ann, 8
Mitchell (Michell), Charles, 8; Eliza- beth, 8 ; James, 8 ; John, 7
Monke, Joan, 3 ; Thomas, 3
Moore, Joan, 5
Moyse, John, 4 ; Mary, 4
Murrey, Margaret, 4; Thomas, 4
Norton, Elizabeth, 3, 5 ; John, 3 Norwydg, (Lady) Elizabeth, 4
Oddboy, John, 10 ; Mary, 10 Olyver, Frances, 3 ; Geoffrey, 3 Owens, Ann, 4 ; Thomas, 4
Palmer, Esther, 7
Pawley, George, 7
Payne, Catherine, 10; Judith, 10
Pearson, Margaret, 10
Pernebye, William, iv
Perrot, Ann, 7 ; Reginald, 7
Perry, Margaret, 11
Powell, John, 10
Pratt (Pratte), Ann, 3, 5 ; Elizabeth, 3 ;
Thomas, 2, 3, 6 ; William, 2, 5 Price, William, 9 Priest, George, 7 Prior, Bennet, 4 ; Susanna, 4 ; Thomas, 4
Quayntrey, Margaret, 5
Reeve, Francis, 6 ; Joan, 6
Reynolds, Alice, 3
Rivers, Elizabeth, 10 ; Henry, 7 ;
John, 7 ; Thomas, 10 Robbines (Robbynes, Robbynnes,
Robyns), Ann, 3 (2) ; Frances, 2 ;
Lionel, 2, 3 Rogers, Henry, 2 ; Jeffray, 2 Rose, Joannes, 6 Rownd(Rownde), Alice, 2; Richard, 5;
William, 2 Rumney, Thomas, 6 Rynge, Elizabeth, 3 ; John, 3
Saunders (Sanders), Elizabeth, 10 ;
John, 10 ; IMartha, 10 ; Sarah, 4 ;
Thomas, 7 ; William, 4 Say (Saye), Ann, 2 ; Elizabeth, 7 ;
Ellen, 2 (2), 4; J., 10(2); Mrs., 7;
William, 2 (3), 4 Seagust, Lydia, 11 ; Moyce, 11 Sharp, Henry, 9 Shepster, Francis, i ; John, i (4) ;
Nazareth, i, 5 ; Thomas, l (3) ;
William, I Skaits, Isaac, 10 Smith (Smyth), Elizabeth, 6 ; James,
4 ; John, 2 (2) ; Mary, 4 (2) ;
Perryn, 6 ; WilHam, 4 Stable, Edward, 6 Stanford, Elizabeth, 4 Staple, Ann, 2 ; Christopher, 2 ;
John, 2 (4), 6 ; Susanna, 2 (3), 6 Stepney, John, 7 Stevens, Mrs., 7 Stevenson, Sarah, 10 Steward, George, 9 ; Joseph, 9 (3) ;
Mary, 9 (2) Stucley, Elizabeth, 4 Syburne, Margaret, 4
Taplin (Taplyn), Edward, 5 ; William,
II; -, 5 Terryll (Terrill, Tyrrell), Anne, 6 (2) ;
Edward, iv, 6 (2) ; Joannes, 6 Thompson (Tompson), (Rev.) J., iv, 9,
10 ; Mary, 4 Thornton, Elizabeth, li Tilson (Rev.), Edward, iv (4), 4 Tottle, Edward, 6 TunVjridge, Alice, 4 ; Simon, 4 Twysden, Ann, 11 ; (Lt.-Col.)
Heneage, 11 Tychbourne, Richard, 2 ; William, 2
Uprychard, William, 5
Vaughan (Vaughanne), Henry, I ;
James, i Viner, Sarah, 10
Waller, Ann, 2 (3) ; Henry, 2 (2) ;
Mary, 2 Waring, Elizabeth, 10; E., 10;
Richard, 10 Waters, Benjamin, 4 (2) ; Mary, 4 Webb, (Rev.) Albert Brooke, iv
Weldon, Ellen, 4
Wellar, Ann, 4 ; William, 4
Wharton, Mary, 4
Wheeler, Ann, 10
Whiffin, Abigail, 4 ; Alice, 4 ; George,
4 ; Richard, 4 Whitaker (Whitacre, \\liitakers,
Whiteaker, Whiteakers), Jeane, 6 ;
John, iv, 2 (3), 6 ; Mary, 2 ;
Michael, 2 Whitehead (Whiteheade, Whitehed,
Whytehed, Whythed), Anne, i ;
Avis, 5 ; Barbara, 3 (2) ; Bridget, 5 ;
Edward, 3 ; Frysewyde, 3 ; Joan, 5 ;
John, 2, 3, 5 ; Margaret, 3 ;
Richard, I (2), 2, 3 (2), 5 ; Thomas,
I (3), 5 Whystler, William, 6 Wilder, William, 6 Wilkin, Robert, 10 (3) Williams (Wyllyams), Abram, 6 ;
Frances, 6 ; Francis, 6; William, 3 Willington, Catherine, 5 ; Roger, 5 Willis, Elizabeth, 4 (2) ; John, 4 Willmott, Thomas, 10 Winder, Elizabeth, 4 ; J., 4 Windgate, Elizabeth, 4; J., 4 Wood, (Rev.) Hugh Hathorn,iv; John, 7 Woodhams, B., 10
Wright (Wryght), James, 10; Margaret,3 Wylye, James, 2 ; Joan, 2, 5
Yates, Jane, 4 ; Robert, 4 ; William, 5 Yonge, Thomas, 5
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